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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the name Bouch come from?

Question:Does anyone know where the surname 'Bouch' comes from?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know where the surname 'Bouch' comes from?

It is French, and Originally comes from the Champagne area.

Coincidently, I have this surname in my tree also!

Hope this helps.

It comes from nearly a dozen countries, and few people with that name were from Champagne. Most are English, German, Polish, Swiss and Dutch. Of the 189 who came to the US with that name, less than 10 were French (we can't count the 2 people who came through 8 times between them as being more than 2 people), a couple were Irish. One was Filipino. A couple were Spanish or Italian...and even one Belgian and a few listed as "Hebrew".

So there isn't a single country where the name originated and you're not all related if that's your surname. The name with phonetically a common sound in many languages, so it's not surprising that it became a name in many countries. Some of these countries have only had surnames for the last 200 years (especially the Low Countries), so the fact that appears there AND in the Philippines AND in Italy AND in Germany AND in France is a wonderful coincidence.