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Position:Home>Genealogy> Wat name do u lk better hannah or alice..?x?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: alice


i cant choose between those two because i dont like any of them


Hannah.........there is one in my family.....

I perfer hannah as it sounds like a much nicer and sweeter name. I picture like a girl in a little dress and pigtails.



Alice is nice for a little girl but Hannah sounds more serious-maybe I think so because of Hannah Arendt and Alice's adventures in Wonderland: the first is a great philosopher the second is a girl in a fantastic tale :)

Hannah, Alice sounds like an old woman or an old rock star

they both suck

I LOVE the name Hannah. It means graceful... It's also kind of cool that it is spelled the same frontward and backward.

I like Alice since you don't hear it as often as Hannah.

I like Hannah followed by Anne...Hannah Anne. Has a nice sound together.