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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the surname Tumminaro come from, and what is it's meanong?

Question:These are the locations that Tumminaro or Tuminaro immigrants provided in the Ellis Island database: (some of the spellings may be mispelled or mis-transcribed)

Alimena, Palermo
Alimena, Sicily
Caltavaturo, Italy
Caltavuturo, Sicily
Caltoventuro, Sicily
Resuttano, Caltanissetta
S. Caterina, Sicily
S. Catersna, Caltaninetta

From these, I would say that the name is Sicilian.

Also, for current residents in Sicily, the town with the highest concentration of the name live in the town of Caltanissetta in the region of Caltanissetta.

I have not been able to find the "meaning" of the name. Generally surnames developed four ways: based on the father's name, the occupation of the person, the location of the person, or a nickname/description of the person. I haven't found an Italian word or an Italian town based on Tumminaro.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: These are the locations that Tumminaro or Tuminaro immigrants provided in the Ellis Island database: (some of the spellings may be mispelled or mis-transcribed)

Alimena, Palermo
Alimena, Sicily
Caltavaturo, Italy
Caltavuturo, Sicily
Caltoventuro, Sicily
Resuttano, Caltanissetta
S. Caterina, Sicily
S. Catersna, Caltaninetta

From these, I would say that the name is Sicilian.

Also, for current residents in Sicily, the town with the highest concentration of the name live in the town of Caltanissetta in the region of Caltanissetta.

I have not been able to find the "meaning" of the name. Generally surnames developed four ways: based on the father's name, the occupation of the person, the location of the person, or a nickname/description of the person. I haven't found an Italian word or an Italian town based on Tumminaro.

Tumminaro, as far as I could look up, is an Italian last name.
There really is no meaning to it. You should look it up on free translation, but as far as I know there is not "meaning" to it.