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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is a surname??

Question:ive herd it has to do something with ur sicilian =]

but i dont kno nething else about them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ive herd it has to do something with ur sicilian =]

but i dont kno nething else about them.

It is probably a better word for last name as in some countries the surname comes first.

However, for a person to know their heritage it is best not to get too involved in the origin of a name. The same surname can come from more than one nationality and not everyone with the same surname are related, even those of the same national origin.

The best way is to trace your heritage with records, starting with yourself and working back. Anytime you wish to do this, there are lots of good people on this board that can give you some great tips and advice. Just ask.

It's another word for "last name"

It's a Family or last name,

it is a family name or last name but it also gives you an idea of your nationality and what region you originated or your families from. Scotland is a good start for you to look into they even have tartans (clans) their colors, and a family crest and coat of arms.

surname is your last name