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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who were you named after ?

Question:Amanda from the 70's TV Show "Gunsmoke"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Amanda from the 70's TV Show "Gunsmoke"

I was named after my grandpa Don. My middle name is Dawn

St. Nicholas.

Friends of the family.

I was named after a girl in an English novel that my mother was reading. Ugh-and I hate it !

The beatles song "Michelle" but mines spelled Michele to be more unique:)

My older brother named me after a kid down the street. I guess my parents liked the name.

Well, i got my last name from my dad,
my middle name from my great grandmother, but the first name is all mine.

My mother. Her name is Linda Diane. My name is Melinda Ann.

My parents named me after my mother, who, in turn, was named for her father's youngest sister. They then took my middle name from one of the heroines in Tennyson's "Idylls of the King".