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Position:Home>Genealogy> Trying to locate my friend in san diego by the name of Mrs carolyn lacamen bustr

Question:yes you can. there many services in the internet that can do that for you such as but you i guess you have to pay for the information. For free, you can try friendster, facebook or myspace but that is if she is a registered user otherwise you have to go to a site that charges for the imformation, i guess the amount is worth it if her friendship is really that important to you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yes you can. there many services in the internet that can do that for you such as but you i guess you have to pay for the information. For free, you can try friendster, facebook or myspace but that is if she is a registered user otherwise you have to go to a site that charges for the imformation, i guess the amount is worth it if her friendship is really that important to you

From here?? No.. you can't do it from yahoo answers, because posting personal info on living persons is a violation of yahoo policy.
My favorite site for living persons is