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Position:Home>Genealogy> Tips For Researching Seminole Ancestry When Missing Maiden Names and Tribal IDs?

Question:I am having a very difficult time trying to find information on my Seminole ancestors because my grandmother went to the grave without telling anyone her maiden name. I found her married name on the Dawes Roll, but I'm afraid it's just a coincidence. Any tips? It's really frustrating!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am having a very difficult time trying to find information on my Seminole ancestors because my grandmother went to the grave without telling anyone her maiden name. I found her married name on the Dawes Roll, but I'm afraid it's just a coincidence. Any tips? It's really frustrating!
General and specific Native resources for you.
No matter which way you go in research, you will always need the solid documentation. Grandma's maiden name should be on her death certificate, or on her marriage record. To find the marriage record, list all her children; determine the place where the eldest was born, and that is a good chance of where she was married. Maybe in an adjoining county.
One roadblock for many researchers is relying on what is "told", rather than analysing what you DO have, and finding the documents/ records.
If you like, you can repost the specifics that you do have. You should avoid posting info on living persons.