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Position:Home>Genealogy> Most beautiful/cool last name?

Question:I might change my last name since I am the only one other than my step dad with my last name. I am looking for something unique, yet something that isn't too foreign or hard to spell. The last name I have now is foreign and hard to spell. I am also looking for something beautiful, if there is such a last name. Any suggestions?

Thanks! :)

P.S. My first & middle name is Bethany Laurel.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I might change my last name since I am the only one other than my step dad with my last name. I am looking for something unique, yet something that isn't too foreign or hard to spell. The last name I have now is foreign and hard to spell. I am also looking for something beautiful, if there is such a last name. Any suggestions?

Thanks! :)

P.S. My first & middle name is Bethany Laurel.

i like winters or mae : ]

Hmm... I like mine... McBroom.

i think foreign and hard-to-spell is unique.

why not change to what your mother has?

the whole point of a last name is to identify your family right?


Why not try to find out what your real father's last name is? That is how you would be able to identify with your ancestors. Giving yourself a new last name just to be "cool" is not very mature. Your history will die with you and in history you will not be known.

Bethany Laurel Duprae

Pack or Catfish.