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Position:Home>Genealogy> I can't find my last name on why? and where else can i find i

Question:i tryed google, but i don't think its right :(

some times i feel like i have no family :(

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i tryed google, but i don't think its right :(

some times i feel like i have no family :(

I don't know your parents' origins, but I found more than 100 records on the name. The hard part is that those records come from Trinidad, Jamaica, Japan, eastern Russia, North Africa and the Middle East. None are hot spots of internet-driven genealogy. Is it possible that the country of your parents' birth is a country that isn't technologically advanced or that doesn't place significant emphasis on genealogy research? If that's the case, then the only way to get the records you need is to go back to the country from whence they came and search in person.

You might check they are pretty good at finding people.

If you'd edit your question and tell us your family's last name, and/or dates to go by ,surely some of us could find it. After all, every American's family immigrated from SOMEWHERE at one point in time or another. Even the modern-day Eskimo's ancestors originated in Russia/Siberia or Mongolia. :) I'd be happy to look for you.

any genealogy site is going to focus on OLD OLD records, primarily, and for ancestry, the emphasis is on US records. They do have another option for World Deluxe, but I can't say what they have for Morocco.
Here is one place I found, where persons are concerned with families in Morocco. The question is what types of records relate to persons there, and how they can be found.
Your name is more like "too new", not new enough. For family history, the goal is working back.

Many times family's coming over shortened or changed names, is there a family member you can ask? Can you obtain your mother and father's birth certificates, post a message at one of the websites and see if someone else is looking for that name or one close, list who your parent and g-parents are and you maybe sounds like ajan is definitely shortened from perhaps a longer and more difficult name to pronounce and spell here in the US