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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know the wherabouts of Leonard Henry Robertson Jr.?

Question:Does anyone know the wherabouts of Leonard Henry Robertson Jr. born on January 5th, i972

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know the wherabouts of Leonard Henry Robertson Jr. born on January 5th, i972

"It's just me" is partially correct in her observation. However, those of us who help people (for FREE) to locate long lost family members, need some basic information to start running the search. Such as, full name, age (or DOB), and last State of residence.

Of course, the law require that we obtain permission from the person being sought before we disclose any contact information.

Mr. Roberts, Sr. have done nothing "unethical". And I will try to help him.

"It's Just Me" are you the one reporting me for offering myself to help people and give them a true answer to their questions?

Its considered unethical to post information in relation to any living person on any Internet forum.
You could try using hope this helps.