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Question:Okay,so I have been able to track my ancestry till my great grand father and great grand mother on my mother side and till my great-great grand mother and father on my father side.My great-great grand mother(father side) was in inmigrant form Italy,and my great grand father and mother were from Spain(I actually live in Argentina).So does anyone know how can I continue to track further?What I've got know was obtained form my grandma and my mother

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay,so I have been able to track my ancestry till my great grand father and great grand mother on my mother side and till my great-great grand mother and father on my father side.My great-great grand mother(father side) was in inmigrant form Italy,and my great grand father and mother were from Spain(I actually live in Argentina).So does anyone know how can I continue to track further?What I've got know was obtained form my grandma and my mother

Both countries are finicky about the release of records...and anything more than 100 years old probably wasn't recorded by civil authorities. But if they were Catholic and you can figure out which parishes baptized them, then you can request information on them from the sacramental registers for Baptisms, Marriages and Last Rites/Burials. In most cases, you can get records back to 1400 if the family stayed in the same parish.

Have you tried using It is a really easy to use website, especially if you have birthdates for your great-great grandparents.

Good luck!

Try the sites blow for a start,

Good luck and good hunting

Check She has the most comprehensive list of genealogy websites.

Another main site is the LDS site. Check their International Genealogy Index file.

I really don't know what sources are available in foreign countries.