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Position:Home>Genealogy> Last Name Versai?

Question:Where do you think the last name Versai comes from?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Where do you think the last name Versai comes from?


Verser - French Verb Conjugations
je, versais, nous, versions, je, versai, nous, versames. tu, versais, vous, versiez, tu, versas, vous, versates. il, versait, ils, versaient, il, versa, ils ...
Italian Verbs: Versare
io, versai. tu, versasti. lui, lei, Lei, versò. noi, versammo. voi, versaste. loro, Loro, versarano. Futuro Semplice. io, verserò. tu, verserai ...
Discussion - LDS Debate
He strove to negotiate peace among the warring nations and at the end of the war, proposed 7 or 9 items for the final decisions of The Versai(I aint french) ...

I'm sure this will help

probably French Versailles being a French city.