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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I find out how a Soldier died?

Question:My uncle was killed in WWI, I have his military service number. How can I find out some details about his death? Such as what unit he was in, what battles he fought in and where he is buried?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My uncle was killed in WWI, I have his military service number. How can I find out some details about his death? Such as what unit he was in, what battles he fought in and where he is buried?

Which country's military did he fight for? If it's the US, then you contact the National Military Personnel Records Center in St. Louis MO. Here's a link. I would suggest his "son" or "daughter" is the one who submits the request. Here's the link:

If it's Canada, then you have to contact the Ottawa Archives.

Germany, England, France and Japan have similar archives for military records. Luxembourg has theirs stored in their Military Museum.

Try the website listed below. I wish you best of luck in your search.

First, you should be able to get his service file (and yes, easier if son/daughter does it).
Once you have that, and his unit, then besides what is in the file, there are many military history sites online. They are fast thinning out, but some veterans are still living. You can get more from those. I've seen some with pics of relatives of mine. Stretch it to the max... someone born in 1920, if still living, would be 88 this year. I have had many chances to talk with older persons, whose memory far exceeds what I expected. Won't know until you try.