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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone still have their 40 acres and a mule?

Question:I was wondering if any families still ahve this? And what theyve done with the land over the years.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was wondering if any families still ahve this? And what theyve done with the land over the years.

Gen. Sherman issued Special Field Order #15 on January 16, 1865 ..... for the exclusive settlement of Blacks .... Each family would receive 40 acres of land and an army mule to work the land .... However, during the summer and fall of 1865, President Johnson issued special pardons, returning the property to the ex-Confederates.

Sounds to me like the land was granted to them and then taken away again.

I have 15 acres and a horse

I sold 30 acres, gave the other 10 to charity, and I burned the mule.

I wish. I am tired of this modern life.

They sold it for crack.

I have distant family that is still on land that was owned by our ancestors over 150 years ago. As for the mule, only he knows the answer to that one.

I have copies of land grants given to my family by the US govt in the 1830s and 40s. Much of this land is still in the hands of distant relatives, but I don't have any of it.