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Question:Anyone know median age in England, and do they have baby boom generation similar to USA?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anyone know median age in England, and do they have baby boom generation similar to USA?

total: 39.6 years
male: 38.5 years
female: 40.7 years (2007 est.)

I believe their age distribution is similar to the U.S. as far as Baby Boom goes.

In the United Kingdom, the synonym for a "Baby Boom" is a "Bulge" ; and yes, the British experienced two increases in population following World War II--a sharp jump in births primarily in 1947 and a lower, broader rise in births in the 1960s--reason being, the UK experienced rationing restrictions until the mid-1950s, and the economy really didn't pick up until the 1960s. Consequently, most but not all British "Boomers" are younger than their American counterparts.

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, born in 1953 and 1951 respectively, are prime examples of British "Baby Boomers". Incidentally, all the Allied countries experienced a rise in births following World War II.