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Position:Home>Genealogy> What was going on in Spain in the late 1890's ?

Question:Trying to understand why members of family tree that were apparently living in Spain would choose to move to the UK in late 1890's to have last male child born in England? (4 previous children had been born in Spain)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Trying to understand why members of family tree that were apparently living in Spain would choose to move to the UK in late 1890's to have last male child born in England? (4 previous children had been born in Spain)

Spain was at the end of their colonial period and they were embarking on the Spanish-American war. It's hard to tell why they relocated without having more information about them and about the man's profession. Any number of things could have been involved, but I've found economics and work are the two major reasons.

thats history i do NOT know sorry

Hi This sounds like a good reason if your ancestor just happened to be a miner

There was lots going on in the world not just Spain