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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who is sweeney?

Question:My mom used to say tell it to him....she'd be like "tell it to sweeney" who is this sweeney?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My mom used to say tell it to him....she'd be like "tell it to sweeney" who is this sweeney?

"Tell it to Sweeney." is an idiom for "I don't believe what you said." It is sort of like saying "Tell the marines." or "Tell it to the Judge." Nonsense might be another meaning.

According to the IMDb (Internet Movie Database), there was a silent movie called "Tell it to Sweeney" (1927). It had a character by the name of Jack Sweeney and his father, Old Man Sweeney.

It looks like the phrase "Tell it to Sweeney." pre-dates "Sweeney Todd".

maybe sweeney todd??