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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a website where you can look up relatives that are still living?

Question:I'm just looking for like birth date and stuff

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm just looking for like birth date and stuff

You can find random places with birth dates. Overall, data about living persons is restricted, and should be. Genealogists do tend to think only of their own goals, without considering that personal information about live persons is also a huge goal for identity theft.
Just finding the phone or address for someone is a bit different. There have always been phone books or city directories, now they are online, such as Many people want to keep their relationships private and for good reasons. They might not want to admit that their cousin is a mass murderer, they hate their stepparent who molested them, or they are celebrities that are fed up with fans banging on the door.
If a relative chooses to share info, that's cool. It's a question of personal choice, I think. I simply don't agree that such info should be accessible without the knowledge or consent of the person involved.

You can view civil registration index's on line if you are UK based, but the only way you will trace living relatives is if you work on the tree and use the various message boards.

Good luck and good hunting