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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know any of their ancestry?

Question:I know i h ave Cherokee, irish, Scottish, and Dutch.. and a few more but i can think of them... If you know any good FREE websites to research it, post a link please.... and not either cuawse its not free if you want more info...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know i h ave Cherokee, irish, Scottish, and Dutch.. and a few more but i can think of them... If you know any good FREE websites to research it, post a link please.... and not either cuawse its not free if you want more info...
Here you go... thousands of research sites.
And... don't forget.. your ancestors are not limited to "genealogy" sites. They can also show up in places like the Library of Congress, or other historical sites.

You might contact the Mormon Church...they like to help geneaology research. I know now that an ancestor of mine was a Welsh Knight who died at the battle of Agincourt.

This is a great site and it's free

Yea, it some combo alright, mostly they are all Mediterranean though.

going off my last name alone it's Dorian Greek from Syracuse. Going off my mothers maiden surname it's Italian/Iberian