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Position:Home>Genealogy> What would be a good last name for me?

Question:My name is Dominique Leann(Leann is my middlename). I no longer want my last name because of personal reasons, and I can' t think of a very good last name. By the way, I am going to change it so I also want to know how much that would cost me . Please reply soon!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My name is Dominique Leann(Leann is my middlename). I no longer want my last name because of personal reasons, and I can' t think of a very good last name. By the way, I am going to change it so I also want to know how much that would cost me . Please reply soon!?

something alliterative, like 'LaRue'? 'LeMans'? Letheridge? 'Latourneau'? 'Landers' Langley?

I like the idea, though, of maintaining some connection with you family line, perhaps be picking a name of a great grandmother or the like, as was suggested

The costs vary from state to state, jurisdiction to jurisdiction. I found myself in your predicament many years ago, and I chose to take the maiden name of my grandmother, who was always supportive, never overtly judgmental, and very loving.

I miss her a great deal.

Best of everything to you.

Carter would be a good one because it has a ring to it.
Try if you don't like Carter.
Also maybe Murphy or Young

not sure about the cost but how about..Dominique Leann Harris? it sound really nice. hope i could help! =D

EDIT:let us know what you chose

Dominique Leann:

Not to be rude what ethnic/nationality backround are you from? It would be easier to pick then.

how about renaldo??

How about Dominique Leann Powell?