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Position:Home>Genealogy> What nationality do I look? [PIC]?

Question:NOTE: Before you look at the pics please realize I dye my hair blonde. It is naturally light brown. The blonde might throw you off a lil.

This is just for fun! I will not take it offensively if you guess something way off. Just give it your best guess! Whoever's right gets best answer! =] [Srry itz dark!]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: NOTE: Before you look at the pics please realize I dye my hair blonde. It is naturally light brown. The blonde might throw you off a lil.

This is just for fun! I will not take it offensively if you guess something way off. Just give it your best guess! Whoever's right gets best answer! =] [Srry itz dark!]

Jeez. . .you look like a plastic doll. . .no offence. . .

anyways. . .you look a bit Hispanic. . .maybe it's the eyebrows. . .



Thats my best guess....sorry if its wrong.

philippines or vietnamese {Just a blind stab there}

You look part Asian and part African. If I had to guess I would say part Thai and part African-American were your origins, and I would guess that your nationality is:

------------------>>>>>>> American. (i.e. US citizen)

Please give the answer to this question when you're ready.

You look like your an Asian, but not trying to be Asian. Singapore? That would be Chianese right? Part Chianese, and something else too then? There is no doubt that you are asian of some sort. Those who said German, or French are way off. Philipino is possible. I really think you are a mix of Chinese and something else? O.k FINAL ANSWER You are 50%Chianese, 50% Polonesian

Well, you look a bit like a few Filipino friends I know... but your hair naturally light brown?

Very good question!

eastern european


Part human and part Zoda. ;-)


I'd guess German