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Question:is there any sites that allow free gene checks/backround checks?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is there any sites that allow free gene checks/backround checks?

Background checks??? What kind of information are you trying to obtain? It would help if you supplied a bit more info.

There is one site that I can think of that will give you specific background info, but it is not free, you have to pay a small fee for the information. The site is:

Hope this helps : )

Gene tests are a long way from free. However, there are a number of family name organizations which will subsidize such tests if you have their family name or can claim an ancestor with it.

To my knowledge, there are not any site that offer free background checks. You can get address and age information from

Are you looking to apply for a credit card for your dead ancestor, or wondering if great Uncle Ebeneezer ever trifled with his neighbors' wives while he was selling Fuller Brushes door to door, or wanting to hire a reputable genealogist?

It's "Are there any", too, with a capital "A".