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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I find out what Scottish tribe I'm from?

Question:My family is Scottish. We celebrate Robert Burns' death/birthday with Scotch and haggis every year. We are just not sure which tribe we are from. Does anyone know where I can begin my search online?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My family is Scottish. We celebrate Robert Burns' death/birthday with Scotch and haggis every year. We are just not sure which tribe we are from. Does anyone know where I can begin my search online?

Your last name should be an important clue.

...and its clans, not tribes.

Try this site:

ask around and make as big a big family tree as possible- then look up someone who can help

If your family is SO Scottish then you should have known that the Scots don't have "tribes". Now if you want to know which "clan" they belong that would be a whole nother story....