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Position:Home>Genealogy> What language does the surname "Dendrinos" come from?

Question:I'm pretty sure it's Greek, but I want to prove it to my friends so if possible tell me a website I can show them to prove it. Also, what does it mean?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm pretty sure it's Greek, but I want to prove it to my friends so if possible tell me a website I can show them to prove it. Also, what does it mean?


I've googled it and LOADS of Greek sites came up including Greek National Basketball Team. Just google it and list the amount of Greek sites that come up.

Actually just checked it again. It is definitely Greek. Check out
It's the origin of Kefalonia names

There ya go,

Tara, Ireland

Sounds like its got Italian reference to it. Have you tried googling it?

All three of the entries on
for it are Greek, except for the ones in theUSA.

has Greeks and Autralians.
has it, but just because a man named Smith lived in Beloit doesn't mean all Smiths lived in Beloit.

I hope this helps. All I could find was hints and clues, nothing absolute.

All Dendrinos on Google are Greek

Yannis Dendrinos
Nikos Dendrinos
Charalambos Dendrinos
Makis Dendrinos
Vasiliki Dendrinos
Panos Dendrinos
Tina Dendrinos

OK now what