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Question:It says you can use there face recognition tool to:

Find photos of yourself or your ancestors submitted by other users

Discover ancestors and relatives based on facial similarity

How do I do that ?? I have been searching through the site and cant figure out. I am able to see what celebrity I look like and all that but cant discover ancestors and relative based on facial similarity or the first one.

Can someone familiar with the site lend me a hand?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It says you can use there face recognition tool to:

Find photos of yourself or your ancestors submitted by other users

Discover ancestors and relatives based on facial similarity

How do I do that ?? I have been searching through the site and cant figure out. I am able to see what celebrity I look like and all that but cant discover ancestors and relative based on facial similarity or the first one.

Can someone familiar with the site lend me a hand?

They are lying.

Facial similarity is no guide to ancestry.

If everyone in the world joined, (or just everyone in the US with European Ancestry joined) and everyone who jioned had pictures of their parents, grand parents and ggP's at age 18, 28, 38, 48, 58 and 68, they might take a stab at it, with a 15% chance of success.

My 4th great uncle trifled with his slave women. I have 4th cousins who are African Americans. They are my kin, but they don't look much like me. My twin brother doesn't look that much like me, when you get down to it; we are fraternal, and he is blond, blue eyed has a small nose.

Once in a while you see a family inwhich the kids are alike as peas in a pod. Usually they are different. Think about it.