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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I trace my Ancestry if I was born in the Philippines?

Question:My last name is Heramil, I want to know who were my Ancestors. The only ones I know is my Great Grand Mother, Presca Heramil, mother of my Father's uncle, Pacquito Heramil. Please help me, I really need help. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My last name is Heramil, I want to know who were my Ancestors. The only ones I know is my Great Grand Mother, Presca Heramil, mother of my Father's uncle, Pacquito Heramil. Please help me, I really need help. Thanks in advance!


Below are a few sites that should help you get started with tracing your filipino ancestry.

Good luck with your search.

when you google ur last name put the state or country you want google to look for in when i want to find a lacal library or movie place i have to put my state in so try it, it should work

check with lola chayong at the tuyo stand. she knows everything.

Get in touch with the genealogy department of the Church of Latter-Day Saints or the Catholic Genealogy department, they both have excellent research activities. I traced my family by just entering their name on the computer.

You need to work with the Philippine Archives and the parish that your family belonged to. There is no such thing as "the Catholic genealogy department". In fact, the Church is annoyed by genealogists, but that's because they hold the only records pre-1900 in most of the western world. If you know which church your great-grandmother belonged to, start there to find her baptismal, marriage and last rights records from the sacramental registers. Then you keep following every generation back until the colonial period when the records will start dissipating.