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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where are the descendands of Ishmael (abrahams' first known son)?

Question:the Arabic/Muslim people of the Middle East believe that they are all decendant of Ishmael
Just like the Jews believe that they are the decendants of Isaac
That is why Abraham is known as the father of the three main religons

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the Arabic/Muslim people of the Middle East believe that they are all decendant of Ishmael
Just like the Jews believe that they are the decendants of Isaac
That is why Abraham is known as the father of the three main religons

Arabs, many of whom later became Muslims. When Isaac was born, Sarah had Abraham (Ibrahim) kick Ismael and his mother out. They almost died of thirst, until the Archangel Gabriel appeared and showed them where to find water.

Home in Africa. The Kwahu tribe - Abraham's (Abre Ham) tribe now lives in West Africa. They speak the languages of the Akan which Hebrew is corrupted from. Abraham is a Kwahu tribal name which means 'tired of walking or roaming' these families were a part of those who made up the group that were the historic Egyptians until divisions caused them to disclaim the Egyptians as their own blood. However, Mizraim is the progenotor of both the Asrae(Israelites) and the ancient Abyssinians or Nubians who ruled in ancient Egypt. All these questions are mysteries only to the Western world, not to those who lived the experiences. Because of the invasians of the 'Shepherd Kings' (Aryans) and other Eurasian sects, there are remnants of the Akan tribes that are of mixed ethnicity. You must also remember that the original 'Arabs' were also from an ancient ethnic origin other than what remains in the regions today. In fact, similar to much of what has happened in South Africa, in 70 AD these 'original' people were driven out of Palestine and the regions fulfilling the prophecies of desolation made in the old testament and re-iterated by the Essen(An Akan tribe also - Assin) Yesu (Jesus). In AD 132 this was all repeated and the desolations made complete. The face and image of the people were changed to fulfill the prophecies that strangers would take land and legacy. There are many good books that you can read to track these events to the modern times, but the greatest thing of all is that you have to be able to understand meanings of names, people, places and things, and the culture of individuals and what their actions would mean. Their are Africans who can understand ancient Biblical things that no one else could just by looking at a phrase that others think is insignificant...Peace