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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there such a name as...?

Question:I've come across these names in other Yahoo Answer pages, but I've never found/seen them anywhere else. Are the names Ygay Hi (or Ygay-hi), Huojin and Bohai actual Chinese names, even if very uncommon? If so, could someone clue me in on their phonetic pronounciation?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've come across these names in other Yahoo Answer pages, but I've never found/seen them anywhere else. Are the names Ygay Hi (or Ygay-hi), Huojin and Bohai actual Chinese names, even if very uncommon? If so, could someone clue me in on their phonetic pronounciation?

I can't help with the pronunciation of these names as I can't speak Chinese...however,

I have found numerous documents on Ancestry with the name Bohai (though it appears to be first names), the majority living in the United States but one born in Syrian Arab Republic, one in Turkey, and the other in Austria.

Huojin is fairly rare on Ancestry. I found only a few people with this name. Again, first name and the majority in the U.S.

Ygay-hi, I found nothing on so I'm not sure about it.

Now, to go on, Bohai is the name of a Chinese sea, as well as a bay and a few companies from what I can tell looking through Google. It was also apparently the name of an empire from 698-926, which bordered China.

Huojin is the name of an important person in China after 1949 and apparently means fire metal, according to a baby names website.

I couldn't find anything on Ygay-hi on Google.

Apparently the first two are Chinese though it is possible that they come from another sources (Japanese, Korean, etc) but the third one seems non-existent. Sorry I couldn't find any more than this.

Hopefully this helps somewhat.

I searched everywhere I know that might be of help to you, but I came up empty handed, sorry.