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Position:Home>Genealogy> How to track my family members?

Question:I want to know in which country the most people with my family name live, does anyone know a good site for this? I've been looking for ages

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to know in which country the most people with my family name live, does anyone know a good site for this? I've been looking for ages

Hi one good site for traking family is .

no sorry. you could try your local libary

I sincerely doubt that there is any foolproof means of doing what you want. Assuming you live in the US, for example.. you might use an online search engine for phone listings. The issue with that is that numerous persons choose to have an unlisted phone. Thus you might get (at best) an estimate.
Secondly, while I don't know what your last name is.. the probability is that all persons with your last name are NOT related to you. There are exceptions, of course. So.. there is a contradiction in your question. Tracking family and tracking persons with the same surname are two different issues.
Last.. here (and probably so in other countries), it is normally assumed that persons have the right to privacy or confidentiality. For some persons, this is a VERY valid need or right, such as those who the victims of prior abuse/ harm from either spouses or relatives. That is one reason many government files are restricted in how they are used. Yahoo policy here on answers is one place that respects this... that is why it is a violation to post personal info about someone living.
If I wanted to "hide" from one of my relatives.. I would (and should) have that option. If anything like what you want is out there, I am not aware of it.