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Position:Home>Genealogy> Could anyone help me find the origin of the name Florescu?

Question:and any other information about this name?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and any other information about this name?

This is a Romanian patronymic. The "escu" means "son of" so the name means "son of Flor" or more likely "son of Flore" as "Flore" is a Romanian name.

Because it is a patronymic form, that is, when fixed family surnames were adopted instead of patronymics, a lot of people, unrelated at all, who happened to have a father "Flore", could have taken then name Florescu. So there really isn't any other information you can get from the name other than it is Romanian and it is a patronymic form.

Could be wrong but it sure sounds like a name I heard on the History Channel a while back. I believe it was said to be Romanian and had some connection with the true origins of Dracula, not the vampire but the hero of Romania. I could be wrong about this and if I am sorry for wasting your time.

There was a Florescu that came through Ellis Island in 1913 and their place of origin was Romania. Also, many of the Florescu's that I could find on were also from Romania.

If you go to and type in Florescu, then on WorldConnect, it will show you others that are researching genealogy with that last name. It will also list their database with family members listed by surname. Perhaps they can help shed some light on the family origins. Hope this helps!

lol....ce-i cu intrebarea asta?!

auzi...dracula=)) doamne....ce oameni...:))

al doilea rasp pare mai convingator....;)

ma s mor dak stiu d la ce vine.....;)) da la ce iti trebuie???