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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can anyone tell me if you've heard this last name before?

Question:Twomey. Is it Irish?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Twomey. Is it Irish?

Edward MacLysaght's <i>The Surnames of Ireland</i> gives Twomey and Toomey as "[a] well-known Munster name," originally O Tuama, and adds that Twomey is the more common spelling in Cork and Kerry, Toomey in Limerick. I've also seen it spelled Tuomey.

I knew someone with the surname Toomey but I don't think his parents were Irish.

It does sound Irish, have a look at the following website for more info.

It sounds more welsh.

Pretty sure its Irish I knew a guy called Eamon Twomey

if you go to ireland you will find loads of them

no ive never herd it before sorry

I am jealous if it is Irish but I'm thinking Canadian - it sounds like twonie lol.

Yes it is Irish but it's normally spelled toomey,my husbands Irish and we go to Ireland twice a year we know a few people of that name

Yes, it's the English version of รณ Tuama.

yes I think it is Irish, I'm Irish and that name is quite common here.

This little bit about the name came from
Irish: variant of Toomey.
hope this helps.

I knew some Twomeys and yes they were Irish.

Yes its Irish pronouced too me (as is - to me to you) It can also be spelt with a H is it and with various number of Os in it - actually there is a courier/road haulage company called twomey transport