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Position:Home>Genealogy> The name Norman?

Question:Would like to know if anyone knows where the name 'Norman' originates from.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Would like to know if anyone knows where the name 'Norman' originates from.

This is what had to say about the name,
English: of Germanic origin, composed of the elements nord north + man man, i.e. “Norseman”. This name was found in England before the Conquest, and was reinforced by its use among the Norman invaders themselves. In the Scottish Highlands it is used as the Anglicized equivalent of Tormod. Pet form: Scottish: Norrie.

Feminine forms: Scottish (Highland): Normanna, Normina, Norma, Nora, Mona.
hope this helps.

I don't know, maybe Normandy? Or is it Dutch?.....

Norman comes from normal, which is elvish for suck.

Why from Harvey of course. ;D


A Norse man-Normans were medieval French descendents from Scandanavia- They migrated to The Bates Motel and scared the holy bejesus out of unsuspecting girls in showers (ok the last part is made up)

I couldn't give this name to my son. A thing is sure this name isn't from Normandy because I live in this area.