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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can I be frank?

Question:What happened Frank did you leave it too late to ask the question, maybe one of your living relatives will ask on your behalf.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What happened Frank did you leave it too late to ask the question, maybe one of your living relatives will ask on your behalf.

No. No you can't. But you can be Barry if you want

only if I can be Bunny

Go fo it - - - get it off your chest, confess!!

Peace....... - - - o o o p p p o o o p p p ooo

POS But wouldn't you rather be Mike?

If your name is Frank yes.

I hope everyone can be honest.

I wish you would be honest.

Frankly I don't care frank but you can if you want.

As long as i can be shirley

you look a little stiff,Frank.

You numskull! ;)

Can I be Frank? Well on second thought.... Never mind, I like being me.

You can be a wiener for all I care.

You can be Frank if I can be Earnest!