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Question:How come some caucasians have the last name LEE?
ie: Robert E. Lee
clearly he's not Asian!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How come some caucasians have the last name LEE?
ie: Robert E. Lee
clearly he's not Asian!

Tjis is what has to say about the name,
English: topographic name for someone who lived near a meadow or a patch of arable land, Middle English lee, lea, from Old English lea, dative case (used after a preposition) of leah, which originally meant ‘wood’ or ‘glade’.
English: habitational name from any of the many places named with Old English leah ‘wood’, ‘glade’, as for example Lee in Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hampshire, Kent, and Shropshire, and Lea in Cheshire, Derbyshire, Herefordshire, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, and Wiltshire.
Irish: reduced Americanized form of ó Laoidhigh ‘descendant of Laoidheach’, a personal name derived from laoidh ‘poem’, ‘song’ (originally a byname for a poet).
Americanized spelling of Norwegian Li or Lie.
Chinese : variant of Li 1.
Chinese : variant of Li 2.
Chinese : variant of Li 3.
Korean: variant of Yi.
hope this helps.

Because, when you jump up 10 ft. in the air,
then land on some "crackers" chest, then you let out a really loud high pitched
"yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh......." as you crack every bone in his torso with your feet, then if you do these types of "caucasian killing" activities on a regular, frequent basis, you end up having to
adopt all of their widows !

After a while you've got a whole "harum" of
really "hot" "white chicks", and a bunch of kids named "Chad Lee" or "Todd Lee" or "Dustin Lee"
or "Robert E. Lee" !

By the way, "Nobody", absolutely "Nobody" can
"F*** Up" "Chuck Norris"............... except..........

*****"BRUCE LEE"******

Surnames in the long run aren't considered all that important in genealogy. The same surname can frequently come from more than one national origin and not everyone with the same surname are necessarily related or shares ancestors, even those of the same national origin. I think you should see this from the name Lee.

In genealogy you trace the ancestry of people, you don't trace their surname.