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Position:Home>Genealogy> On census returns what areas does disabled cover, as I have ag labourers shown a

Question:My guess is it among other things covers people who wear glasses.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My guess is it among other things covers people who wear glasses.

Assuming this is a US census question, seeing "disabled" would probably be associated with why someone wasn't working.

In a number of the census years, not only was their an indication of their occupation and often where they worked, but also whether they were actually employed/working (in some years, how many months were they not working).

For example, they may have been a farm hand, but there was just no work. Or they decided they didn't want to work.

OR they weren't working because they were disabled. While not a commonly found entry, it certainly could be the census taker providing more information about why someone wasn't working. What does disabled mean??? Probably anything that would keep someone from working - injury, illness, really anything. But having glasses, etc. wouldn't keep them from working so I really don't think that would be cause for a "disability" tag.

Disabled wouldn't include people who wear glasses unless they were blind.

I would think it would refer to their inability to work (i.e. missing limbs, paralyzed, etc.).

I know that if someone was mentally challenged the census taker would just write "idiot" next to the person's name. How rude.