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Position:Home>Genealogy> What does Brose mean in English and where does this name come from.?

Question:This is what has to say about the name,
German: from a vernacular short form of the Latin personal name Ambrosius (see Ambrose).
hope it helps.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is what has to say about the name,
German: from a vernacular short form of the Latin personal name Ambrosius (see Ambrose).
hope it helps.

"Etymology: perhaps alteration of Scots bruis broth, from Middle English brewes, from Anglo-French broués, plural of bruet, broué broth, mash, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German brod broth. A scottish dish made with oatmeal.
Merriam Webster"
But if you assume that your ancestors came from Scotland you may be wrong, they may have come from Germany! I suggest you go to Rootsweb.