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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am looking for my biological father. His name is Curtis Stephens, he used to w

Question:He has red hair and it would have been around the end of '82 beginning of '83. I do not want money or anything from him. I would just like to get to know him. That's all. My biological mothers name is Kathleen Swarthout. Please if you know him or you are him then get in touch with me. I would truly appreciate it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He has red hair and it would have been around the end of '82 beginning of '83. I do not want money or anything from him. I would just like to get to know him. That's all. My biological mothers name is Kathleen Swarthout. Please if you know him or you are him then get in touch with me. I would truly appreciate it.

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Good luck and good hunting

We have 37 matches for that name in the State of Texas. Do you have any idea of his approximate age (or Month & Year) of birth?

That information would help to reduce the number of matches and locate him faster.

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