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Position:Home>Genealogy> Surname Zacarias?

Question:Is it BOTH Italian and Spanish? If so, is it more commonly Spanish or Italian?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it BOTH Italian and Spanish? If so, is it more commonly Spanish or Italian?

According to it's actually Spanish and no mention of Italian,
Spanish (Zacarías) and Jewish: see Zacharias.
hope this helps.

Yes, no, maybe.
You are looking for an answer that does not really exist. Names do not always come from only one place... and sometimes they do.
If you really want to know about your heritage.... let go of any preconceptions related to surname origins. They will just mess you up. Find grandpa Zacarias and where HE was born (or, find his ancestor with the name.. it all depends on who was born in the US, if that is where you are.. and who came when).
Surname origins and ancestry are two different topics.

Could be Greek maybe? Serbian?

The name does have some Spanish background it seems. More Portugese though. It looks like it has been around for quite some time. Goes back into Hebrew times.....

Check some of these:

This last website suggests that the name Zacarius is a variation of the name "Zachary".