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Question:what last name(s) sound good with amber?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what last name(s) sound good with amber?

If you are legally changing your full name, you might want to take into concideration:
1) Namesakes...the surname of someone you admire.
2) Nationality....a surname common among those of your nationality.
3) Religion....the surname of a person associated with your religion.
4) might not want to select a surname that rhymes with Amber to avoid being the butt of someone's joke.
5) Syllables....when 1st & last names have the same number of syllables and the middle name has a different amount the effect is nice
6) one likes having their name constantly select something easy to say.
7) a surname that is easy to spell for the same reason you would select something easy to say.
8) Initials....Folk wisdom has it that a person whose initials spell a word...any destined to be sucessful in life.

How 'bout "Waves?"

Amber Brown [is not a crayon!]
