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Question:What kind of relative would my great-grandmother's brother's great-grandson be (e.g. first, second cousin)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What kind of relative would my great-grandmother's brother's great-grandson be (e.g. first, second cousin)?

third cousin
if you share grand parents you are first cousins
share great grandparents you are second cousins
in your example, you share great great grandparents, so third.


Have a look at this chart it may sort things out for you,
hope this helps.

Try these:

These are a few good sites, each offers a 10 generation calculator: --a 10-generation chart that can printed out into a single, 8 1/2 by 11 sheet (click on the RED link) with instructions how to use it. all kinds of links to genealogy in left column (in red), plus a cousin calculator in the center column. : has a downloadable cousin calculator, but you will need JAVASCRIPT to run the program. Or, at is a 10-generation chart that can be printed off.

I have noticed in Yahoo! genealogy, every one has a different notion about these things. The way I was taught, a child of your grandmother (not your parent) would be your fist cousin. For each generation going back (great grandmother, great-great grandmother) the number would increase: i.e., grandmother - first cousin; great-grandmother - second cousin; great-great grandmother - third cousin, and so on.


3rd Cousins.

Your grandparents would have been 1st cousins to your great-grandmother's brother's children.

Your parents would have been 2nd cousins to your great-grandmother's brother's grandchildren.

You are 3rd cousins to your great-grandmother's brother's great-grandchildren.

Sometimes it is easiest to just line it out. Call your great grandmother Alice and her brother Andrew, their children Barbara and Bruce, and so on:

Alice & Andrew = Siblings
Barbara & Bruce = 1st cousins
Carla & Charles = 2nd cousins
Dimkasmir & Daniel = 3rd cousins

There are two ways to do it; children with a common "n" great grandparents are "n+2" cousins
(1st great GP = 3rd cousins,
2nd great GP = 4th cousins
and so on

or, children of Nth cousins are N+1 cousins. Children of 2nd cousins are 3rd cousins, etc.