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Position:Home>Genealogy> Humans supposed left their caves about 25-thousand years ago. Does this also app

Question:"The first people to settle in Scotland were Mesolithic foragers who gradually ventured north around 7000 BC after the final retreat of the great ice sheet."

Scotland: A History. Ed. Jenny Wormald. Oxford UP, 2005.

The civil and for the most part humorous answers given by the Scots above show exactly who is civilized and who is not.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "The first people to settle in Scotland were Mesolithic foragers who gradually ventured north around 7000 BC after the final retreat of the great ice sheet."

Scotland: A History. Ed. Jenny Wormald. Oxford UP, 2005.

The civil and for the most part humorous answers given by the Scots above show exactly who is civilized and who is not.

Speaking as a person of Scottish ancestry (I'm about half Scot) I'm not sure some of us have left yet. (Pass the MacAllen, will ye laddie?) On the other hand, John Knox was the first person to require literacy for all persons, making Scotland the leader in learning for about 200 years. And dinna ye ken Rabbie Burns?

Actually, no, since the first Scots came over from Ireland. I don't know about Irish caves.

At least John Knox did ONE good thing.


Don't know wether to bury my head in my hands with shame, or to blow up with rage. That is the most racist question I can expect form apparently intelligent people.

Get a bloody grip ... and stop the nonsense. You wouldn't dare make a similar remark about someone who is coloured. just because we are the same colour as you, doesn't mean that you can't get away with such racist remarks like that ...

Maybe we should of stayed there, would of been cheaper. Maybe the real estate would of found a way to make money as well. This cave as all the mod con's they high chimney for the smoke, wall to wall bear hide. The Scot's have there own way's like most people, if we were the same the world would be boring.

Highland Scots did not exist 25 thousand years ago and very few humans actually lived in caves as many caves have only one entrance and they were vulnerable to the hunting animal entrapment. More likely the Scots that came soon after built their own caves from rocks in the harsh lands.

Did you know it is very likely that Nero played the bag and pipes as Rome burned?

I dislike racists vehemently, and as you appear to be one I have reported you accordingly.

My uncle had a job with a distillery, pissing into the bottles destined for England just before they were cased and shipped. I used to think it was a cruel joke to play on the unsuspecting English, but I'm beginning to see his point.