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Position:Home>Genealogy> Which Haplogroup is Cro-Magnon considered to be part of?

Question:In human genetics, Haplogroup R1b (M343) (previously called Hg1 and Eu18) is the most frequent Y-chromosome haplogroup in Europe.

Its frequency is highest in Western Europe (and due to European emigration, in North America). In Southern England the frequency of R1b is about 70% and in parts of Spain, Portugal and Ireland, it is as high as 90%.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In human genetics, Haplogroup R1b (M343) (previously called Hg1 and Eu18) is the most frequent Y-chromosome haplogroup in Europe.

Its frequency is highest in Western Europe (and due to European emigration, in North America). In Southern England the frequency of R1b is about 70% and in parts of Spain, Portugal and Ireland, it is as high as 90%.

This is Genealogy not anthropology, you might be better posting this on an other site.