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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is my cousins husband in my family or in my extended family?

Question:He is part of your extended family as he linked through marriage, Family is as much about the emotional bond between you as it is about genetics and blood lines, enjoy and Honor your family, you sound lucky.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He is part of your extended family as he linked through marriage, Family is as much about the emotional bond between you as it is about genetics and blood lines, enjoy and Honor your family, you sound lucky.

he's in your extended family. because you aren't directly related to him. ( you should still treat him like family though (-: )

Edit: My brother in law is in no shape or form related to my sister, but he still considers her daughter as his neice. Family doesn't have to be blood related. It's like I've said. he isn't like your blood relative ( which makes him your extended family ) but, if you are close to your cousin and her hubby and you consider them family, then by all means lol he's your family! :-)

Genetically, extended family. But on a personal level everyone sees it differently and it depends how close you are to them.

No. He is NOT your cousin in any way, shape, or form. He is ONLY, as you already said your "cousin's husband". That is it. No other relationship. He is not genetically or genealogically related. He married your cousin. That is it.