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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the similarity between a girl and a pipe?

Question:you spend too much time thinking about both

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you spend too much time thinking about both

They're both hollow and shallow.

both has two holes?? each at one end...

If you mean pipe for smoking, then a pipe is "Blow Hot", and a girl is "Blow Hot Blow Cold"! Both give pleasure!!

no similarity. a girl is aliving being,can think, can act, but the pipe is simply a thing .

Both are conduits, promising lifetime construct, that
can apply themself as needed to different directions.

what kind of a question is that?!!!!!

That's like asking.. what's the similarity between a guy and a hotdog?

i know only one disimirarity >>> one is capablr of producing same species but not the other one.