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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a free way online to see if I am related to Steve Wozniak?

Question:I was just wondering, because I have the same last name

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was just wondering, because I have the same last name

you have to do the research. Nothing is free
well, he has written a book that might have clues. I assume you have some background on your own genealogy? You would have to match with a common ancestor.
He is a live person, so it is not as likely to have his personal info online. If you do have family history, and willing to share, you could try to find where you could drop him an email. What's to lose?

Write him a letter and send a copy of your own genealogy and see if he would be kind enough to tell you if you're related. Since he is alive, there isn't much that you'll be able to research online, since online services protect the privacy of the living. So your only "free" option is to ask him personally.