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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is it possible to trace your lineage to a specific tribe of people (i.e. Germani

Question:Anyone on here interested in genealogy, or just ancestry? If so, could you help me? Where do I start to figure out where my family came from over time? Are all people of european descent ultimately from India? CONFUSED!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anyone on here interested in genealogy, or just ancestry? If so, could you help me? Where do I start to figure out where my family came from over time? Are all people of european descent ultimately from India? CONFUSED!

All people of European descent are ultimately from Africa, according to the little map the DNA testing company sent me. The Indians turned east at the Caucasus mountains 20,000 - 40,000 years ago and the Europeans turned west. There may have been some inter-breeding after that.

If you are a Creationist, Adam and Eve were maybe somewhere in what is now Iraq, but almost cetainly in the Middle East somewhere, and again, some of their descendants went west and some east, only it was 5,000 years ago, not 30,000.

You can have your DNA tested for about $150, if you are hard-core about it.

Genealogy is the study of individuals and their ancestors and descendants. There is a branch of science that takes in archealogy, genetics and anthropology, which studies human migration. I think that is what you are after. Check the book "Seven Daughters of Eve" out of the library. It will give you an introduction.

Ted Pack is correct, you have your answer.