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Position:Home>Genealogy> Ruth ellis?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1954

What qualifies these three words as a question....... they don't even make a simple statement ! ! !

You can read the whole story (about 15 pages) on the link below:

A very brief story.....
Just after a miscarriage, Ellis shot her lover, David Blakely (not the child's father) with a Smith and Wesson gun. She was sentanced to death by hanging. She was the last woman to be hung in Britain (Easter Sunday, 1855).

The last woman to be hung by hangman Albert Pierrepoint,
hope this helps.

My husband is a distant relative of Albert Pierrepoint's family.

She was hanged on 13 July 1955. Not 1855 or any other day.

Ruth Ellis was the last woman to be hanged in England.

Thousands stood outside Holloway Prison here in London on the day of her execution demanding she be released.

How can you hang a woman?

I hope the judge who condemned her and the hangman are now boiling in blazing hot oil down in Hell. Murderers.

My mother wept for weeks following the hanging.

In our small Methodist chapel we had weeks of visiting preachers who preached against the death penalty.

Never again!

What's the question? if it is that she was the last to be correctly punished, look how many female murderers there are free after serving short prison sentences, and how safe do you feel these days compared to the situation if you had been alive in 1954

why bring this up it was put to bed long time ago you are scraping the barrel