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Position:Home>Genealogy> What's the most common last name is the U.S.?

Question:My best guess would be Smith or Johnson.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My best guess would be Smith or Johnson.

According to the 1990 census, it's Smith. Check out this website below.

i'd say SMITH!

Smith, Jones or Johnson, I would think.

Smith and Garcia

my guess is a-hole. i've heard so many called that!

It is either Smith or Jones, probably Smith. I should know, as my name is Smith.

These are the top 10, from the US Census in 1990. Just ignore the middle two numbers.

name freq cmltv.freq rank
SMITH 1.006 1.006 1
JOHNSON 0.810 1.816 2
WILLIAMS 0.699 2.515 3
JONES 0.621 3.136 4
BROWN 0.621 3.757 5
DAVIS 0.480 4.237 6
MILLER 0.424 4.660 7
WILSON 0.339 5.000 8
MOORE 0.312 5.312 9
TAYLOR 0.311 5.623 10