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Position:Home>Genealogy> I need to find out whether two people are cousins or not?

Question:Not sure if you've seen the movie Tommy Boy but it's sort of like that. I think these two people are conning folks into believing they're cousins, but they're really much more than that. But i need proof. What's the quickest yet least expensive way to do that with out them knowing. Should i be looking along the lines of a private detective, or would geneology be the way to go. This is in the atlanta area. Would like answers from people that are experienced with this.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not sure if you've seen the movie Tommy Boy but it's sort of like that. I think these two people are conning folks into believing they're cousins, but they're really much more than that. But i need proof. What's the quickest yet least expensive way to do that with out them knowing. Should i be looking along the lines of a private detective, or would geneology be the way to go. This is in the atlanta area. Would like answers from people that are experienced with this.

If you are speaking about 2 living persons... the only way of proving their relationship would be through researching their ancestry, and confirming that they share a common ancestor.
Ethically speaking, since both are living, you should not have access to confidential records, other than those which concern yourself, your parents, grandparents.
This is standard for genealogy.
So.. in genealogical/ ethical territory, it is not open to you.
Private detectives have and use other resources, and have their standards of ethics. Those other resources and the knowledge of a detective are what you pay for.
Your reasons for knowing may be very valid. If so, it would be worth the money.

go with geneology

why do u care? let it go

The only sure proof is a DNA test.

Genealogy sites will not give you information on living people. The only way you would know if 2 people are cousins is to know their family history. Do they share a common direct ancestor?

If you trace everyones family trees back far enough, we are all cousins.