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Position:Home>Genealogy> It's long since been told in my family that we have an interesting ancestor.

Question:I remember growing up and my mother's side of the family telling me that we were descended from a man who was a veteranarian for the last Czar's personal animals. Of course, this is an interesting bit of history but remains unsubstantiated. My parents and I were all born in Poland and I have no Russian family to speak of. What can I do? Are there employee register's to investigate?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I remember growing up and my mother's side of the family telling me that we were descended from a man who was a veteranarian for the last Czar's personal animals. Of course, this is an interesting bit of history but remains unsubstantiated. My parents and I were all born in Poland and I have no Russian family to speak of. What can I do? Are there employee register's to investigate?

Welcome, p's dad
I can answer only in a general way... the trick is to work your ancestry as if you were not looking for this specific, then see if it turns out to have any family who might fit the time and circumstances. You can identify the last Czar, for beginning background. It seems (in general) that Russian things are becoming much more accessible than they were, years ago.
I'd enjoy seeing you here, since my roots are in Poland and I have yet to crack that open.

If you subscribe to, you will find the country of Origin then you can trace backward. It will tell you the common employment of the last name.